Traditional Systems of Medicines
India has a rich medicinal heritage. A number of Traditional Systems of Medicine (TSM) are practiced in India some of which come from outside India. TSM in India can be broadly classified into institutionalized or documented and **non-institutionalized or oral traditions. Institutionalized Indian systems include Siddha and Ayurveda which are practiced for about two thousand years. These systems have prescribed texts in which the symptoms, disease diagnosis, drugs to cure, preparation of drugs, dosage and diet regimes, daily and seasonal regimens. Non- institutional systems, whereas, do not have such records and or practiced by rural and tribal peoples across India. The knowledge is mostly held in oral form. The TSM focus on healthy lifestyle and healthy diet for maintaining good health and disease reversal.
Siddha system of medicine Siddha is the most popular, widely practiced and culturally accepted system in Tamil Nadu. It is based on the texts written by 18 Siddhars. There are different opinions on the constitution of 18 Siddhars. The Siddhars are not only from Tamil Nadu, but have also come from other countries. The entire knowledge is documented in the form of poems in Tamil. Siddha is principally based on the Pancabūta philosophy. According to this system three humors namely Vātam, Pittam and Kapam that are responsible for the health of human beings and any disturbance in the equilibrium of these humors result in ill health. The drug sources of Siddha include plants, animal parts, marine products and minerals. This system specializes in using minerals for preparing drugs with the long shelf-life. This system uses about 800 herbs as source of drugs. Great stress is laid on disease prevention, health promotion, rejuvenation and cure.
Ayurveda system of medicine Ayurveda supposed to have originated from Brahma. The core knowledge is documented by Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata in compendiums written by them. This system is also based on three humor principles namely, Vatha, Pitha and Kapha which would exist in equilibrium for a healthy living. This system Uses more of herbs and few animal parts as drug sources. Plant sources include a good proportion of Himalayan plants. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India lists about 500 plants used as source of drugs.
Folk system of medicine Folk systems survive as an oral tradition among innumerable rural and tribal communities of India. A consolidated study to document the plants used by ethnic communities was launched by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India in the form of All India Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology. As a result about 8000 plant species have been documented which are used for medicinal purposes. The efforts to document in several under-explored and unexplored pockets of India still continue. Major tribal communities in Tamil Nadu who are known for their medicinal knowledge include Irulas, Malayalis, Kurumbas, Paliyans and Kaanis. Some of the important medicinal plants are discussed below.