Free body diagram is a simple tool to analyse
the motion of the object using Newton’s
The following systematic steps are followed
for developing the free body diagram:
Identify the forces acting on the object.
Represent the object as a point.
Draw the vectors representing the forces
acting on the object.
When we draw the free body diagram for
an object or a system, the forces exerted by
the object should not be included in the free
body diagram.
A book of mass m is at rest on the table.
(1) What are the forces acting on the book?
(2) What are the forces exerted by the
book? (3) Draw the free body diagram for
the book.
(1) There are two forces acting on the book.
(i) Gravitational force (mg) acting
downwards on the book
(ii) Normal contact force (N) exerted by
the surface of the table on the book. It
acts upwards as shown in the figure.
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In the free body diagram,
as the magnitudes of the
normal force and the
gravitational force are
same, the lengths of both these vectors
are also same.
(2) According to Newton’s third law, there
are two reaction forces exerted by the
(i) The book exerts an equal and
opposite force (mg) on the Earth
which acts upwards.
(ii) The book exerts a force which
is equal and opposite to normal
force on the surface of the table
(N) acting downwards.
It is to be emphasized that
while applying Newton’s
third law it is wrong to
conclude that the book on
the table is at rest due to the downward
gravitational force exerted by the
Earth and the equal and opposite
reacting normal force exerted by the
table on the book. Action and reaction
forces never act on the same body.
(3) The free body diagram of the book is
shown in the figure.
If two objects of masses 2.5 kg and 100 kg
experience the same force 5 N, what is the
acceleration experienced by each of them?
From Newton’s second law (in
magnitude form), F = ma
For the object of mass 2.5 kg, the
acceleration is a = F/m =5/2.5 = 2 ms^{-2}
For the object of mass 100 kg, the
acceleration is a
a = F/m = 5/100 = 0.05 ms^{-2}
Even though the force
applied on both the objects
is the same, acceleration
experienced by each object
differs. The acceleration is inversely
proportional to mass. For the same
force, the heavier mass experiences
lesser acceleration and the lighter mass
experiences greater acceleration.
When an apple falls, it experiences
Earth’s gravitational force. According
to Newton’s third law, the apple exerts
equal and opposite force on the Earth.
Even though both the apple and
Earth experience the same force, their
acceleration is different. The mass of
Earth is enormous compared to that of
an apple. So an apple experiences larger
acceleration and the Earth experiences
almost negligible acceleration. Due to the
negligible acceleration, Earth appears to be
stationary when an apple falls.
Which is the greatest force among the three
$$ \vec{F}{1},\vec{F}{2},\vec{F}_{3}, $$
shown below
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Force is a vector and magnitude of the
vector is represented by the length of the
vector. Here
has greater length compared
to other two. So
is largest of the three.
Apply Newton’s second law to a mango
hanging from a tree. (Mass of the mango
is 400 gm)
Note: Before applying Newton’s laws,
the following steps have to be followed:
Choose a suitable inertial coordinate
system to analyse the problem. For
most of the cases we can take Earth as
an inertial coordinate system.
Identify the system to which Newton’s
laws need to be applied. The system can
be a single object or more than one object.
Draw the free body diagram.
Once the forces acting on the system are
identified, and the free body diagram
is drawn, apply Newton’s second law.
In the left hand side of the equation,
write the forces acting on the system
in vector notation and equate it to the
right hand side of equation which is
the product of mass and acceleration.
Here, acceleration should also be in
vector notation.
If acceleration is given, the force can be
calculated. If the force is given,
acceleration can be calculated.
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By following the above steps:
We fix the inertial coordinate system on
the ground as shown in the figure.
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The forces acting on the mango are
i) Gravitational force exerted by
the Earth on the mango acting
downward along negative y axis
ii) Tension (in the cord attached to the
mango) acts upward along positive
y axis.
The free body diagram for the mango is
shown in the figure
From Newton’s second law
$$ \vec{F}_{net} = m\vec{a} $$
Since the mango is at rest with respect
to us (inertial coordinate system) the
acceleration is zero (
a = 0).
$$ \vec{F}_{net} = m\vec{a} =0 $$
$$ (T - mg)\hat{j} = 0 $$
By comparing the components on both sides
of the above equation, we get T-mg = 0
So the tension force acting on the
mango is given by T= mg
Mass of the mango m = 400g and
g = 9.8 m s–2
Tension acting on the mango is
T = 0.4 × 9.8 = 3.92 N
A person rides a bike with a constant
v with respect to ground and
another biker accelerates with acceleration
a with respect to ground. Who can apply
Newton’s second law with respect to a
stationary observer on the ground?
Second biker cannot apply Newton’s
second law, because he is moving with
a with respect to Earth (he is
not in inertial frame). But the first biker
can apply Newton’s second law because he
is moving at constant velocity with respect
to Earth (he is in inertial frame).
The position vector of a particle is given
$$ \hat{r} = 3t\hat{i} + 5t^2\hat{j} + 7\hat{k} $$
Find the direction in
which the particle experiences net force?
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Here, the particle has acceleration only along
positive y direction. According to Newton’s
second law, net force must also act along
positive y direction. In addition, the particle
has constant velocity in positive x direction
and no velocity in z direction. Hence, there
are no net force along x or z direction.
Consider a bob attached to a string,
hanging from a stand. It oscillates as
shown in the figure.
a) Identify the forces that act on the bob?
b) What is the acceleration experienced by
the bob?
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Two forces act on the bob.
(i) Gravitational force (mg) acting
(ii) Tension (T) exerted by the string on
the bob, whose position determines
the direction of T as shown in figure.
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The bob is moving in a circular arc as
shown in the above figure. Hence it has
centripetal acceleration. At a point A and
C, the bob comes to rest momentarily and
then its velocity increases when it moves
towards point B. Hence, there is a tangential
acceleration along the arc. The gravitational
force can be resolved into two components
(mg cosθ, mg sinθ) as shown below
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Note that the bob does not
move in the direction of
the resultant force. At the
points A and C, tension T = mg cosθ.
At all other points, tension T is greater than
mg cosθ, since it has non zero centripetal
acceleration. At point B, the resultant
force acts upward along the string. It is an
example of a non uniform circular motion
because the bob has both the centripetal
and tangential accelerations.
The velocity of a particle moving in a plane
is given by the following diagram. Find out
the direction of force acting on the particle?
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The velocity of the particle is
$$ \vec{v} = v_{x}\hat{i} + v_{y}\hat{j} + v_{z}\hat{k} $$
As shown in the figure, the particle
is moving in the xy plane, there is no motion
in the z direction. So velocity in the z direction
is zero (vz = 0). The velocity of the particle
has x component (vx) and y component (v
From figure, as time increases from t = 0
sec to t = 3 sec, the length of the vector in y
direction is changing (increasing). It means
y component of velocity v y is increasing
with respect to time. According to Newton’s
second law, if velocity changes with respect
to time then there must be acceleration. In
this case, the particle has acceleration in the
y direction since the y component of velocity
changes. So the particle experiences force in
the y direction. The length of the vector in
x direction does not change. It means that
the particle has constant velocity in the x
direction. So no force or zero net force acts
in the x direction.
Apply Newton’s second law for an object at
rest on Earth and analyse the result.
The object is at rest with respect to
Earth (inertial coordinate system). There
are two forces that act on the object.
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i) Gravity acting downward (negative
ii) Normal force by the surface of the Earth
acting upward (positive y-direction)
By comparing the components on both
sides of the equation, we get
$$ -mg + N =0 $$
$$ N = mg $$
We can conclude that if the object is at rest,
the magnitude of normal force is exactly
equal to the magnitude of gravity.
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Identify the forces acting on blocks A, B
and C shown in the figure.
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Forces on block A:
(i) Downward gravitational force exerted
by the Earth (mAg)
(ii) Upward normal force exerted by block
B (NB)
The free body diagram for block A is as
shown in the following picture.
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Forces on block B :
(i) Downward gravitational force exerted
by Earth (mBg)
(ii) Downward force exerted by block A (NA)
(iii) Upward normal force exerted by
block C (NC)
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Forces onblock C:
(i) Downward gravitational force exerted
by Earth (mCg)
(ii) Downward force exerted by block B (NB)
(iii) Upward force exerted by the table (Ntable)
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Consider a horse attached to the cart which
is initially at rest. If the horse starts walking
forward, the cart also accelerates in the
forward direction. If the horse pulls the
cart with force Fh in forward direction, then
according to Newton’s third law, the cart also
pulls the horse by equivalent opposite force
F F c h = in backward direction. Then total
force on ‘cart+horse’ is zero. Why is it then the
‘cart+horse’ accelerates and moves forward?
This paradox arises due to wrong
application of Newton’s second and third
laws. Before applying Newton’s laws, we
should decide ‘what is the system?’. Once
we identify the ‘system’, then it is possible to
identify all the forces acting on the system.
We should not consider the force exerted
by the system. If there is an unbalanced
force acting on the system, then it should
have acceleration in the direction of the
resultant force. By following these steps we
will analyse the horse and cart motion.
If we decide on the cart+horse as a
‘system’, then we should not consider the
force exerted by the horse on the cart or
the force exerted by cart on the horse.
Both are internal forces acting on each
other. According to Newton’s third law,
total internal force acting on the system is
zero and it cannot accelerate the system.
The acceleration of the system is caused
by some external force. In this case, the
force exerted by the road on the system is
the external force acting on the system. It
is wrong to conclude that the total force
acting on the system (cart+horse) is zero
without including all the forces acting on
the system. The road is pushing the horse
and cart forward with acceleration. As there
is an external force acting on the system,
Newton’s second law has to be applied and
not Newton’s third law
The following figures illustrates this.
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If we consider the horse as the ‘system’,
then there are three forces acting on the
(i) Downward gravitational force (m gh )
(ii) Force exerted by the road (Fr)
(iii) Backward force exerted by the cart (Fc)
It is shown in the following figure.
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– Force exerted by the road on the horse
Fc – Force exerted by the cart on the horse
⊥ – Perpendicular component of Fr
r – Parallel component of Fr
which is reason
for forward movement
The force exerted by the road can be
resolved into parallel and perpendicular
components. The perpendicular
component balances the downward
gravitational force. There is parallel
component along the forward direction. It
is greater than the backward force (Fc). So
there is net force along the forward direction
which causes the forward movement of the
If we take the cart as the system, then
there are three forces acting on the cart.
(i) Downward gravitational force (m gc )
(ii) Force exerted by the road ( ) Fr’
(iii) Force exerted by the horse (Fh )
It is shown in the figure
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The force exerted by the road (Fr
) can
be resolved into parallel and perpendicular
components. The perpendicular
component cancels the downward gravity
(m gc ). Parallel component acts backwards
and the force exerted by the horse (Fh
acts forward. Force (Fh
) is greater than the
parallel component acting in the opposite
direction. So there is an overall unbalanced
force in the forward direction which causes
the cart to accelerate forward.
If we take the cart+horse as a system,
then there are two forces acting on the
(i) Downward gravitational force
$$ (m_{h} + m_{c})g $$
(ii) The force exerted by the road (Fr) on
the system.
It is shown in the following figure.
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(iii) In this case the force exerted
by the road (Fr) on the system
(cart+horse) is resolved in to parallel
and perpendicular components.
The perpendicular component is
the normal force which cancels
the downward gravitational force
$$ (m_{h} + m_{c})g .$$
The parallel component
of the force is not balanced, hence the
system (cart+horse) accelerates and
moves forward due to this force.
The position of the particle is represented
$$ y = ut - \frac{1}{2}gt^2 $$
a) What is the force acting on the particle?
b) What is the momentum of the particle?
To find the force, we need to find the
acceleration experienced by the particle.
The acceleration is given by
$$ a = \frac{d^2y}{dt^2} $$
$$ a = \frac{dv}{dt} $$
v =velocity of the particle in y direction
$$ v = \frac{dv}{dt} = u - gt $$
The momentum of the particle = mv = m
$$ a = \frac{dv}{dt} = - g $$
The force acting on the object is given by
The negative sign implies that the force
is acting on the negative y direction. This is
exactly the force that acts on the object in
projectile motion.
When an object of mass m slides on a
frictionless surface inclined at an angle θ as
shown in the Figure 3.12, the forces acting
on it decides the
a) acceleration of the object
b) speed of the object when it reaches the
The force acting on the object is
(i) Downward gravitational force (mg)
(ii) Normal force perpendicular to inclined
surface (N)
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Figure 3.12 Object moving
in an inclined plane
To draw the free body diagram, the block is
assumed to be a point mass (Figure 3.13 (a)).
Since the motion is on the inclined surface,
we have to choose the coordinate system
parallel to the inclined surface as shown in
Figure 3.13 (b).
The gravitational force mg is resolved
in to parallel component mg sinθ along
the inclined plane and perpendicular
component mg cosθ perpendicular to the
inclined surface (Figure 3.13 (b)).
Note that the angle made by the
gravitational force (mg) with the
perpendicular to the surface is equal to the
angle of inclination θ as shown in Figure ’
3.13 (c).
There is no motion(acceleration) along
the y axis. Applying Newton’s second law in
the y direction
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By comparing the components on both
sides, N- mg cos0 = 0
$$N= mg cosθ $$
The magnitude of normal force (N) exerted
by the surface is equivalent to mg cosθ .
The object slides (with an acceleration)
along the x direction. Applying Newton’s
second law in the x direction
$$ mg sinθ\hat{i} = ma\hat{i} $$
By comparing the components on both
sides, we can equate
$$ mg sinθ = ma $$
The acceleration of the sliding object is
$$ a = g sinθ $$
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Figure 3.13 (a) Free body diagram, (b) mg resolved into parallel and perpendicular
components (c) The angle θ2 is equal to θ2
Note that the acceleration depends on the
angle of inclination θ. If the angle . θ is 90
degree, the block will move vertically with
acceleration a = g.
Newton’s kinematic equation is used to
find the speed of the object when it reaches
the bottom. The acceleration is constant
throughout the motion.
$$ {v^2} = {u^2}+2as $$
$$along the x direction (3.3)$$
The acceleration a is equal to g sinθ. The
initial speed (u) is equal to zero as it starts
from rest. Here s is the length of the inclined
The speed (v) when it reaches the bottom
is (using equation (3.3))
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Here we choose the
coordinate system along the
inclined plane. Even if we
choose the coordinate system parallel
to the horizontal surface, we will get
the same result. But the mathematics
will be quite complicated. Choosing a
suitable inertial coordinate system for
the given problem is very important.
Consider two blocks of masses m1
and m2
(m1 > m2) kept in contact with each other on
a smooth, horizontal frictionless surface as
shown in Figure 3.14.
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Figure 3.14 (a) Two blocks of masses
and m2 (m1 > m2) kept in contact
with each other on a smooth, horizontal
frictionless surface
By the application of a horizontal force
F, both the blocks are set into motion
with acceleration ‘a’ simultaneously in the
direction of the force F.
To find the acceleration
a, Newton’s
second law has to be applied to the system
(combined mass m = m1 + m2)
$$ \vec{F} = m\vec{a} $$
If we choose the motion of the two masses
along the positive x direction,
$$ F\hat{i} = ma\hat{i} $$
$$ F = ma $$
$$where m = m_{1} + m_{2} $$
The acceleration of the system is given by
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The force exerted by the block m1
on m2
due to its motion is called force of contact
According to Newton’s third law, the
block m2
will exert an equivalent opposite
reaction force $$(\vec{f}{12}).$$ on block m1.
Figure 3.14 (b) shows the free body
diagram of block m1.
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Figure 3.14 (b) Free body diagram of
block of mass m1
$$F\hat{i}- {f}{12}\hat{i} = m{1}a\hat{i} $$
By comparing the components on both sides
of the above equation, we get
$$F- {f}{12} = m{1}a $$
$${f}{12} =F - m{1}a $$
Substituting the value of acceleration from
equation (3.5) in (3.6) we get
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Equation (3.7) shows that the magnitude
of contact force depends on mass m2 which
provides the reaction force. Note that
this force is acting along the negative
x direction.
In vector notation, the reaction force on
mass m1
is given By
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For mass m2
there is only one force acting
on it in the x direction and it is denoted by
f21. This force is exerted by mass m1
. The
free body diagram for mass m2
is shown in
Figure 3.14 (c).
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Figure 3.14 (c) Free body diagram of
block of mass m2
Applying Newton’s second law for mass
$${f}{21}\hat{i} =m{2}a\hat{i} $$
By comparing the components on both
sides of the above equation
$${f}{21} =m{2}a (3.8)$$
Substituting for acceleration from equation
(3.5) in equation (3.8), we get
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In this case the magnitude of the contact
force is
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The direction of this force is along the positive x direction.
In vector notation, the force acting on
mass m2
exerted by mass m1
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$$ \vec{f}{12}=-\vec{f}{21} $$
which confirms Newton’s
third law.
When objects are connected by strings
and a force F is applied either vertically or
horizontally or along an inclined plane, it
produces a tension T in the string, which
affects the acceleration to an extent. Let us
discuss various cases for the same.
Case 1: Vertical motion
Consider two blocks of masses m1 and
(m1 > m2) connected by a light and
inextensible string that passes over a pulley
as shown in Figure 3.15.
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Figure 3.15 Two blocks
connected by a string
over a pulley
Let the tension in the string be T and
acceleration a. When the system is released,
both the blocks start moving, m2 vertically
upward and m1 downward with same
acceleration a. The gravitational force m1
on mass m1
is used in lifting the mass m2.
The upward direction is chosen as y
direction. The free body diagrams of both
masses are shown in Figure 3.16.
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Figure 3.16 Free body
diagrams of masses m1
and m2
Applying Newton’s second law for
mass m2
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The left hand side of the above equation
is the total force that acts on m2 and the
right hand side is the product of mass and
acceleration of m2 in y direction.
By comparing the components on both
sides, we get
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Similarly, applying Newton’s second law for
mass m1
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As mass m1
moves downward (-j), its
acceleration is along (-j)
By comparing the components on both
sides, we get
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Adding equations (3.9) and (3.10), we get
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From equation (3.11), the acceleration of
both the masses is
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If both the masses are equal (m1
), from
equation (3.12)
$$ a=0 $$
This shows that if the masses are equal, there
is no acceleration and the system as a whole
will be at rest.
To find the tension acting on the string,
substitute the acceleration from the equation
(3.12) into the equation (3.9).
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By taking m2
g common in the RHS of
equation (3.13)
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Equation (3.12) gives only magnitude of
For mass m1 , the acceleration vector is
given by
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For mass m2 , the acceleration vector is
given by
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Case 2: Horizontal motion
In this case, mass m2
is kept on a horizontal
table and mass m1
is hanging through
a small pulley as shown in Figure 3.17.
Assume that there is no friction on the
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Figure 3.17 Blocks in horizontal
As both the blocks are connected to the
unstretchable string, if m1
moves with an
acceleration a downward then m2
also moves
with the same acceleration a horizontally.
The forces acting on mass m2
(i) Downward gravitational force (m2 g)
(ii) Upward normal force (N) exerted by
the surface
(iii) Horizontal tension (T) exerted by the
The forces acting on mass m1 are
(i) Downward gravitational force (m1 g)
(ii) Tension (T) acting upwards
The free body diagrams for both the masses
is shown in Figure 3.18.
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Figure 3.18 Free body diagrams of
masses m1
and m2
Applying Newton’s second law for m1
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By comparing the components on both sides
of the above equation,
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Applying Newton’s second law for m2
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By comparing the components on both sides
of above equation,
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There is no acceleration along y direction
for m2.
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By comparing the components on both sides
of the above equation
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By substituting equation (3.15) in equation
(3.14), we can find the tension T
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Tension in the string can be obtained by
substituting equation (3.17) in equation
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Comparing motion in both cases, it is clear
that the tension in the string for horizontal
motion is half of the tension for vertical
motion for same set of masses and strings.
This result has an important application
in industries. The ropes used in conveyor
belts (horizontal motion) work for longer
duration than those of cranes and lifts
(vertical motion).