
Title: Text Files vs. Binary Files in C

Introduction to the topic: Understanding the differences between text and binary files in C file I/O.

Handling of Newlines

Title: Handling of Newlines

Text Files: Newline characters are automatically converted based on the platform.

Unix: '\n', Windows: '\r\n'

Binary Files: No newline conversions.

Example - Newline Handling

Title: Newline Handling Example

Code snippet showing how newline characters are represented in text and binary files.

Demonstrates the automatic conversion in text files.

Storage of Numbers

Title: Storage of Numbers

Text Files: Numbers are stored as characters.

Binary Files: Numbers are stored in raw binary format.

Example - Number Storage

Title: Number Storage Example

Code snippet showing how numbers are stored in text and binary files.

Illustrates the space efficiency of binary files.

Platform Compatibility

Title: Platform Compatibility

Text Files: More portable due to automatic newline conversions.

Binary Files: Less portable; require data format compatibility.

Example - Platform Compatibility

Title: Platform Compatibility Example

Explains the portability of text files when moving between platforms.

Highlights the need to ensure binary data compatibility.

Text vs. Binary Mode: Handling Newlines

Explanation of newline conversions in text mode and no conversions in binary mode.

Text vs. Binary Mode: Storage of Numbers

Explanation of how numbers are stored in text files as strings and the impact on file size.

Text vs. Binary Mode: Efficiency

Discussing the inefficiency of storing large numerical data in text mode and introducing binary mode.

Record I/O Revisited

Discussing the limitations of text mode for record I/O and introducing the use of fread() and fwrite().

Writing Records in Binary Mode

Code snippet and explanation of a program that writes records to a binary file using fwrite().

Reading Records from Binary File

Code snippet and explanation of a program that reads records from a binary file using fread().

Database Management in C

Introduction to database management and combining file I/O concepts.

Low-Level File I/O

Explaining the concept of low-level file I/O, using buffers, and handling file handles.

Low-Level File Copy Program

Presenting a program that demonstrates low-level file copy using read() and write().

I/O Under Windows

Explaining how Windows handles I/O and compatibility with C library functions.


Summarizing the key points of file input/output in C.