Position of d- block elements in the periodic table:

We have already learnt the periodic classification of elements in XI std. the transition

metals occupy from group –3 to group-12 of the modern periodic table.

Position of d- block elements in the periodic table
Position of d- block elements in the periodic table


14.007 N



He 4.0026



Ne 20.180

10 uorine

F 18.998

9 oxygen

O 15.999

8 carbon

C 12.011

6 boron

B 10.811



Ar 39.948

18 chlorine

Cl 35.453

17 sulfur

S 32.065

16 phosphorus

P 30.974

15 silicon

Si 28.086

14 aluminium

Al 26.982



Kr 83.798

36 bromine

Br 79.904

35 selenium

Se 78.96

34 arsenic

As 74.922

33 germanium

Ge 72.64

32 gallium

Ga 69.723

31 zinc

Zn 65.38

30 copper

Cu 63.546

29 nickel

Ni 58.693

28 cobalt

Co 58.933

27 iron

Fe 55.845

26 manganese

Mn 54.938

25 chromium

Cr 51.996

24 vanadium

V 50.942

23 titanium

Ti 47.867

22 scandium

Sc 44.956

21 calcium

Ca 40.078

20 potassium

K 39.098



Mg 24.305

12 sodium

Na 22.990



Be 9.0122

4 lithium

Li 6.941



H 1.0079



Xe 131.29

54 iodine

I 126.90

53 tellurium

Te 127.60

52 antimony

Sb 121.76

51 tin

Sn 118.71

50 indium

In 114.82

49 cadmium

Cd 112.41

48 silver

Ag 107.87

47 palladium

Pd 106.42

46 rhodium

Rh 102.91

45 ruthenium

Ru 101.07

44 technetium

Tc [98]

43 molybdenum

Mo 95.96

42 niobium

Nb 92.906

41 zirconium

Zr 91.224

40 yttrium

Y 88.906

39 strontium

Sr 87.62

38 rubidium

Rb 85.468



Rn [222]

86 astatine

At [210]

85 polonium

Po [209]

84 bismuth

Bi 208.98

83 lead

Pb 207.2



Dy 162.50

66 terbium

Tb 158.93

65 gadolinium

Gd 157.25

64 europium

Eu 151.96

63 samarium

Sm 150.36

62 promethium

Pm [145]

61 neodymium

Nd 144.24

60 praseodymium

Pr 140.91

59 cerium

Ce 140.12



La 138.91

57 barium

Ba 137.33

56 caesium

Cs 132.91



Rg [272]

111 Copernicium

Cn [285]

112 Nahonium

Nh [286]

113 Flerovium

Fl [289]

114 Mascovium

Mc [289]

115 Livermorium

Lv [293]

116 Tennessine

Ts [294]

117 Oganessom

Og [294]

118 darmstadtium

Ds [271]

110 meitnerium

Mt [268]

109 hassium

Hs [277]

108 bohrium

Bh [264]

107 seaborgium

Sg [266]

106 dubnium

Db [262]

105 rutherfordium

Rf [261]

104 radium

Ra [226]

88 francium

Fr [223]



Lu 174.97

71 ytterbium

Yb 173.05

70 thulium

Tm 168.93

69 erbium

Er 167.26

68 holmium

Ho 164.93



Tl 204.38

81 mercury

Hg 200.59

80 gold

Au 196.97

79 platinum

Pt 195.08

78 iridium

Ir 192.22

77 osmium

Os 190.23

76 rhenium

Re 186.21

75 tungsten

W 183.84

74 tantalum

Ta 180.95

73 hafnium

Hf 178.49



Bk [247]

97 lawrencium

Lr [262]

103 nobelium

No [259]

102 mendelevium

Md [258]

101 fermium

Fm [257]

100 einsteinium

Es [252]

99 californium

Cf [251]

98 curium

Cm [247]

96 americium

Am [243]

95 plutonium

Pu [244]

94 neptunium

Np [237]

93 uranium

U 238.03

92 protactinium

Pa 231.04

91 thorium




Ac [227]





f-Block Figure 4.1-Position of d- block elements in the periodic table

XII U4-D-Block-Jerald Folder.indd 101 2/19/2020 4:40:17 PM

L BN MC d-Block6.94 9.012 10.81 12.011 14.00sod1ium magnesium1 aluminium silico phosphorus22.99 24.30pota1ssium calci2 um scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc39.09 40.07rubidium strontium N9 115.99 18.99 20.18sulfur chlorin argon
A126.98gallium S P14 128.08 30.97germanium arsenic 132.06selenium Cl Ar1 135.45 39.94bromin krypto
Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu ZnY Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag CdLa21 Hf22 Ta23 W24 Re25 Os26 Ir27 Pt28 Au29 Hg3044.956 47.867 50.942 51.996 54.938 55.845 58.933 58.693 63.546 65.38Acyttr39ium zirRfco40nium Dbnio41bium molySg42bdenum teBhchne43tium ruHstheni44 um Mtrhod45ium palladiDs46um Rgsilver47 Cncadmi48um88.906 91.224 92.906 95.96 [98] 101.07 102.91 106.42 107.87 112.41lant57hanum hafn 72ium tant 73alum tungsten74 rhenium75 osmi76um irid77ium plat 78inum gold79 merc80ury138.91 178.49 180.95 183.84 186.21 190.23 192.22 195.08 196.97 200.59actinium89 ruther 104fordium dubn105ium seab 106orgium bo107hrium hassium108 meitnerium109 darm 110stadtium roen 111tgenium Copernici112 um[227] [261] [262] [266] [264] [277] [268] [271] [272] [285] G369.72indium G372.6ti As S Br3 34 374.92 78.9 79.90antimony tellurium iodin Kr383.79xeno
Rb Sr3 385.46 87.6caesium bariu In49114.82thallium Sn5118.71lead S5121.7bismut T5127.6polonium 5126.90astatine X54131.2rado
C5132.91francium B5137.3radium T81204.3Nahoniu P B Po A82 8 84 8207.2 208.98 [209 [210Flerovium Mascovium Livermorium Tennessine Rn8[222Oganessom
Fr8[223 R8[226
N113[286] F114[289] Mc11[289 L11[293 Ts11[294 Og11[294
Pr N P Sm EPa U Np59 60 61 62 6140.91 144.24 [145] 150.3 151.96protactiniu91 urani92um neptunium9 plutonium americiu231.04 238.03 [237] G T Dy6 6 6157.2 158.93 162.5curium berkelium californiu
H Er T6 68 69164.93 167.2 168.93einsteiniu fermium mendeleviu Y70173.0nobelium
P94[244] Am95[243] C B9 9[247] [247] Cf Es98 99[251] [252] F M No100 101 102[257] [258] [259]

d- Block elements composed of 3d series (4th period) Scandium to Zinc ( 10 elements), 4d series ( 5th period) Yttrium to Cadmium ( 10 elements) and 5d series ( 6th period) Lanthanum, Haffinium to mercury. As we know that the group-12 elements Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury do not have partially filled d-orbital either in their elemental state or in their normal oxidation states. However they are treated as transition elements, because their properties are an extension of the properties of the respective transition elements. As per the IUPAC definition, the seventh period elements, starting from Ac, Rf to Cn also belong to transition metals. All of them are radioactive. Except Actinium; all the remaining elements are synthetically prepared and have very low half life periods.
