Deforestation is one of the major contributors to enhance green house effect and global warming. The conversion of forested area into a non-forested area is known as deforestation. Forests provide us many benefits including goods such as timber, paper, medicine and industrial products. The causes are
The conversion of forests into agricultural plantation and livestock ranching is a major cause of deforestation.
Logging for timber - Developmental activities like road construction, electric tower lines and dams.
Over population, Industrialisation, urbanisation and increased global needs.
Effects of deforestation
Burning of forest wood release stored carbon, a negative impact just opposite of carbon sequestration.
Trees and plants bind the soil particles. The removal of forest cover increases soil erosion and decreases soil fertility. Deforestation in dry areas leads to the formation of deserts.
The amount of runoff water increases soil erosion and also creates flash flooding, thus reducing moisture and humidity.
The alteration of local precipitation patterns leading to drought conditions in many regions. It triggers adverse climatic conditions and alters water cycle in ecosystem.
It decreases the bio-diversity significantly as their habitats are disturbed and disruption of natural cycles.
Loss of livelihood for forest dwellers and rural people.
Increased global warming and account for one-third of total CO2 emission.
Loss of life support resources, fuel, medicinal herbs and wild edible fruits.