


Botanical name : Hevea brasiliensis Family : Euphorbiaceae

Rubber Tree
Rubber Tree

Origin and Area of cultivation: It is a native of Brazil and was introduced outside its native range during the colonial period and has become an important cash crop. Asia contributed 90% of the world production. Kerala is the largest producer in India followed by Tamil Nadu.

Uses Tyre and other automobile parts manufacturing industries consume 70% of the rubber production. Rubber is used in manufacturing footwear, wire and cable insulations, rain- coats, household and hospital goods, shock absorbers, belts, sports goods, erasers, adhesives, and rubber-bands Hard rubber is used in the electrical and radio engineering industries Concentrated latex is used for making gloves, balloons and condoms.

Foamed latex is used in the manufacture of cushions, pillows and life-belts.

Rubber – Vulcanization Charles Goodyear invented vulcanization in 1839. He found that the defects in rubber articles could be overcome by heating rubber with sulphur under pressure at 1500 C. The process was called vulcanization. The name was given from the Roman God of Fire, Vulcan. Because of this, solid rubber tyres were used for first time in 1867. That is why we smoothly travel on road.
