Asexual Reproduction
The reproduction method which helps to perpetuate its own species without the involvement of gametes is referred to as asexual reproduction. From Unit I of Class XI we know that reproduction is one of the attributes of living things and the different types of reproduction have also been discussed. Lower plants, fungi and animals show different methods of asexual reproduction**.** Some of the methods include, formation of Conidia (Aspergillus and Penicillium); Budding (Yeast and Hydra); Fragmentation (Spirogyra); production of Gemma (Marchantia); Regeneration (Planaria) and Binary fission (Bacteria) (Refer chapter 1 of Unit I of class XI). The individuals formed by this method is morphologically and genetically identical and are called clones. Higher plants also reproduce asexually by different methods which are given below: