Caloric value of carbohydrates, proteins and fats## Caloric value of carbohydrates, proteins and fats

We obtain 50% energy from carbohydrates 35% from fats and 15% from proteins. We require about 400 to 500 gm of carbohydrates, 60 to 70 gm of fats and 65 to 75 gm of proteins per day. Balanced diet of each individual will vary according to their age, gender, level of physical activity and others conditions such as pregnancy and lactation.

Carbohydrates are sugar and starch. These are the major source of cellular fuel which provides energy. The caloric value of carbohydrate is 4.1 Kcal per gram and its physiological fuel value is 4 Kcal per gram.

Lipids are fats and derivatives of fats, are also the best reserved food stored in our body which is used for production of energy. Fat has a caloric value of 9.45 Kcal and a physiological fuel value of 9 Kcal per gram.

Proteins are source of amino acids required for growth and repair of body cells. They are stored in the body only to a certain extent large quantities are excreted as nitrogenous waste. The caloric value and physiological fuel value of one gram of protein are 5.65 Kcal and 4 Kcal respectively. According to ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research and WHO (World Health Organization , the daily requirement of protein for an average Indian is 1gm per 1 kg body weight.
