Types of Respiration

Respiration is classified into two types as aerobic and anaerobic respiration (Figure 14.4)

 Overall stages of Respiration
Overall stages of Respiration

Aerobic respiration

Respiration occurring in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration. During aerobic respiration, food materials like carbohydrates, fats and proteins are completely oxidised into CO2, H2O and energy is released. Aerobic respiration is a very complex process and is completed in four major steps:

  1. Glycolysis
  2. Pyruvate oxidation (Link reaction)
  3. Krebs cycle (TCA cycle)
  4. Electron Transport Chain (Terminal oxidation).

Anaerobic respiration

In the absence of molecular oxygen glucose is incompletely degraded into either ethyl alcohol or lactic acid (Table 14.1). It includes two steps:

  1. Glycolysis 2. Fermentation

ATP is not only higher energy compound present in a cell. There are other higher energy compounds also present. Example GTP (Guanosine Tri Phosphate) and UTP (Uridine Tri Phosphate).
