
Do all fruits contain seeds? No, triploid fruits do not. The seed is a fertilized mature ovule which possess an embryonic plant, usually stores food material and has a protective coat. After fertilization, changes occur in various parts of the ovule and transforms into a seed.

Types of Seed

I. Based on the number of cotyledons two types of seeds are recognized.

i. Dicotyledonous seed: Seed with two cotyledons.

ii. Monocotyledonous seed: Seed with one cotyledon.

II. Based on the presence or absence of the endosperm the seed is of two types.

i. Albuminous or Endospermous seed: The cotyledons are thin, membranous and mature seeds have endosperm persistent and nourishes the seedling during its early development. Example: Castor, sunflower, maize.

ii. Ex-albuminous or non- endospermous seed: Food is utilized by the developing embryo and so the mature seeds are without endosperm. In such seeds, colyledons store food and become thick and fleshy. Example: Pea, groundnut.

Significance of Seeds:

  • The seed encloses and protects the embryo for next generation.
  • It contains food for the development of embryo.
  • It is a means for the dispersal of new individuals of the species.
  • A seed is a means for perpetuation of the species. It may lie dormant during unfavorable conditions but germinates on getting suitable conditions.
  • Seeds of various plants are used as food, both for animals and men.
  • They are the basis of agriculture.  Seeds are the products of sexual reproduction so they provide genetic variation and recombination in a plant.

Activity Prepare a diet chart to provide balanced diet to an adolescent (a school going child) which includes food items (fruits, vegetable and seeds) which are non expensive and are commonly available.

Summary Inflorescence is a group of flowers present on a common stalk. Inflorescence may be classified into 3 types based on position. Inflorescence classified into racemose, cymose, mixed and special type based on the flower arrangement and branching of axis. Flower is a modified shoot and meant for sexual reproduction. Flower has various parts to enhance reproduction. Flower can be explained by its sex and symmetry. Calyx is outermost whorl of flower and many types. Corolla is second whorl of flower and used for pollination. Corolla may be united or free and has various forms in different flowers. Aestivation is arrangement of sepals, petals in bud condition and is of many types. Androecium is the male part of flower and made up of stamens. Stamens contain filament,anther and connective.

Gynoecium is the female part of flower. Ovary, style and stigma are parts of pistil.According to number of carpels it is divided into monocarpellary, bicarpellary etc. It may be apocarpous or syncarpous. Locule number may be one to many.

The ovary is superior or inferior or semi inferior. Mode of distribution of placenta inside the ovary is placentation. Construction of floral diagram and floral formula for given flower with some examples.

Fruits are the products of pollination and fertilization. Fruit developed from single ovary of flower is called simple fruit. Simple fruits are two types based on the fruit wall as simple fleshy and simple dry. An intermediate between dehiscent and indehiscent fruit is called schizocarpic fruit. The simple fruits could be fleshy or dry which could again be dehiscent or indehiscent. Fruits that are developed from multicarpellary, apocarpus pistil is called aggregate. Multiple or composite fruit develops from the flowers of the complete inflorescence. Seed is a ripened ovule which contains the embryo or the miniature of plant body. Seeds with one cotyledon are monocotyledonous and with two cotyledons are dicotyledonous.
