Table 7.3: Difference between mitosis in Plants and Animals

Plants Animals
Centrioles are absent Centrioles are present
Asters are not formed Asters are formed
Cell division involves the formation of a cell plate Cell division involves furrowing and cleavage of cytoplasm
Occurs mainly at meristem Occurs in tissues throughout the body

Table 7.4: Difference Between Mitosis and Meiosos

Mitosis Meiosos
One division Two division
Number of chromosome remain the same Number of chromosome is halved
Homologous chromosomes line up separately on the metaphase plate Homologous chromosomes line up in pair at the metaphase plate
Homologous chromosome do not pair up Homologous chromosome pairup to form bivalent
Chiasmata do not form and crossing over never occurs Chiasmata form and crossing over occurs
Daughter cells are genetically identical Daughter cells are genetically different from parent cell
Two daughter cells are formed four daughter cells are formed


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