Data or information forms the core of any software system. Effectively storing and retrieving this data in a secure, cost-efficient, and efficient manner is crucial for development. This is where a Database Management System (DBMS) comes into play.

A database-management system (DBMS) comprises interrelated data and a set of programs for accessing that data. The collection of data, commonly known as the database, contains information pertinent to an enterprise. The main objective of a DBMS is to offer a means to store and retrieve database information securely, cost-efficiently, and efficiently.

Database systems are crafted to handle large volumes of information. Managing data involves defining structures for storing information and providing mechanisms for its manipulation. Furthermore, the database system must ensure the security of stored information, even in the face of system crashes or unauthorized access attempts. If data are shared among multiple users, the system must prevent potential anomalous results.

Given the critical importance of information in most organizations, computer scientists have developed a robust framework of concepts and techniques for data management. These concepts and techniques are the focus of this book. This chapter provides a brief introduction to the principles of database systems.
