Language-Based Protection

To the degree that protection is provided in computer systems, it is usually achieved through an operating-system kernel, which acts as a security agent to inspect and validate each attempt to access a protected resource. Since comprehensive access validation may be a source of considerable overhead, either we must give it hardware support to reduce the cost of each validation, or we must allow the system designer to compromise the goals of protection. Satisfying all these goals is difficult if the flexibility to implement protection policies is restricted by the support mechanisms provided or if protection environments are made larger than necessary to secure greater operational efficiency.

As operating systems have becomemore complex, and particularly as they have attempted to provide higher-level user interfaces, the goals of protection have become much more refined. The designers of protection systems have drawn heavily on ideas that originated in programming languages and espe- cially on the concepts of abstract data types and objects. Protection systems are now concerned not only with the identity of a resource to which access is attempted but also with the functional nature of that access. In the newest protection systems, concern for the function to be invoked extends beyond a set of system-defined functions, such as standard file-access methods, to include functions that may be user-defined as well.

Policies for resource use may also vary, depending on the application, and they may be subject to change over time. For these reasons, protection can no longer be considered a matter of concern only to the designer of an operating system. It should also be available as a tool for use by the application designer, so that resources of an application subsystem can be guarded against tampering or the influence of an error.

Compiler-Based Enforcement

At this point, programming languages enter the picture. Specifying the desired control of access to a shared resource in a system is making a declarative statement about the resource. This kind of statement can be integrated into a language by an extension of its typing facility. When protection is declared along with data typing, the designer of each subsystem can specify its require- ments for protection, as well as its need for use of other resources in a system. Such a specification should be given directly as a program is composed, and in the language in which the program itself is stated. This approach has several significant advantages:

1. Protection needs are simply declared, rather than programmed as a sequence of calls on procedures of an operating system.

2. Protection requirements can be stated independently of the facilities pro- vided by a particular operating system.

3. The means for enforcement need not be provided by the designer of a subsystem.

4. A declarative notation is natural because access privileges are closely related to the linguistic concept of data type.

A variety of techniques can be provided by a programming-language implementation to enforce protection, but any of these must depend on some degree of support from an underlying machine and its operating system. For example, suppose a language is used to generate code to run on the Cambridge CAP system (Section A.14.2). On this system, every storage reference made on the underlying hardware occurs indirectly through a capability. This restriction prevents any process from accessing a resource outside of its protection envi- ronment at any time. However, a program may impose arbitrary restrictions on how a resource can be used during execution of a particular code segment. We can implement such restrictions most readily by using the software capa- bilities provided by CAP. A language implementation might provide standard protected procedures to interpret software capabilities that would realize the protection policies that could be specified in the language. This scheme puts policy specification at the disposal of the programmers, while freeing them from implementing its enforcement.

Even if a system does not provide a protection kernel as powerful as those of Hydra (Section A.14.1) or CAP, mechanisms are still available for implementing protection specifications given in a programming language. The principal distinction is that the security of this protection will not be as great as that supported by a protection kernel, because the mechanism must rely on more assumptions about the operational state of the system. A compiler can separate references for which it can certify that no protection violation could occur from those for which a violation might be possible, and it can treat them differently. The security provided by this form of protection rests on the assumption that the code generated by the compiler will not be modified prior to or during its execution.

What, then, are the relative merits of enforcement based solely on a kernel, as opposed to enforcement provided largely by a compiler?

Security. Enforcement by a kernel provides a greater degree of security of the protection system itself than does the generation of protection- checking code by a compiler. In a compiler-supported scheme, security rests on correctness of the translator, on some underlying mechanism of storage management that protects the segments from which compiled code is executed, and, ultimately, on the security of files from which a program is loaded. Some of these considerations also apply to a software- supported protection kernel, but to a lesser degree, since the kernel may reside in fixed physical storage segments and may be loaded only from a designated file. With a tagged-capability system, in which all address computation is performed either by hardware or by a fixedmicroprogram, even greater security is possible. Hardware-supported protection is also relatively immune to protection violations that might occur as a result of either hardware or system software malfunction.

Flexibility. There are limits to the flexibility of a protection kernel in imple- menting a user-defined policy, although it may supply adequate facilities for the system to provide enforcement of its own policies. With a pro- gramming language, protection policy can be declared and enforcement provided as needed by an implementation. If a language does not provide sufficient flexibility, it can be extended or replaced with less disturbance than would be caused by the modification of an operating-system kernel.

Efficienc . The greatest efficiency is obtainedwhen enforcement of protec- tion is supported directly by hardware (or microcode). Insofar as software support is required, language-based enforcement has the advantage that static access enforcement can be verified off-line at compile time. Also, since an intelligent compiler can tailor the enforcementmechanism tomeet the specified need, the fixed overhead of kernel calls can often be avoided.

In summary, the specification of protection in a programming language allows the high-level description of policies for the allocation and use of resources. A language implementation can provide software for protection enforcement when automatic hardware-supported checking is unavailable. In addition, it can interpret protection specifications to generate calls onwhatever protection system is provided by the hardware and the operating system.

One way of making protection available to the application program is through the use of a software capability that could be used as an object of com- putation. Inherent in this concept is the idea that certain program components might have the privilege of creating or examining these software capabilities. A capability-creating program would be able to execute a primitive operation that would seal a data structure, rendering the latter’s contents inaccessible to any program components that did not hold either the seal or the unseal privilege. Such components might copy the data structure or pass its address to other program components, but they could not gain access to its contents. The reason for introducing such software capabilities is to bring a protection mechanism into the programming language. The only problem with the con- cept as proposed is that the use of the seal and unseal operations takes a procedural approach to specifying protection. A nonprocedural or declarative notation seems a preferableway tomake protection available to the application programmer.

What is needed is a safe, dynamic access-control mechanism for distribut- ing capabilities to system resources among user processes. To contribute to the overall reliability of a system, the access-control mechanism should be safe to use. To be useful in practice, it should also be reasonably efficient. This require- ment has led to the development of a number of language constructs that allow the programmer to declare various restrictions on the use of a specific man- aged resource. (See the bibliographical notes for appropriate references.) These constructs provide mechanisms for three functions:

1. Distributing capabilities safely and efficiently among customer processes. In particular,mechanisms ensure that a user processwill use themanaged resource only if it was granted a capability to that resource.

2. Specifying the type of operations that a particular process may invoke on an allocated resource (for example, a reader of a file should be allowed only to read the file, whereas a writer should be able both to read and to write). It should not be necessary to grant the same set of rights to every user process, and it should be impossible for a process to enlarge its set of access rights, except with the authorization of the access-control mechanism.

3. Specifying the order inwhich a particular processmay invoke the various operations of a resource (for example, a file must be opened before it can be read). It should be possible to give two processes different restrictions on the order in which they can invoke the operations of the allocated resource.

The incorporation of protection concepts into programming languages, as a practical tool for system design, is in its infancy. Protectionwill likely become a matter of greater concern to the designers of new systems with distributed architectures and increasingly stringent requirements on data security. Then the importance of suitable language notations in which to express protection requirements will be recognized more widely.

Run-Time-Based Enforcement—Protection in Java

Because Javawas designed to run in a distributed environment, the Java virtual machine—or JVM—has many built-in protection mechanisms. Java programs are composed of classes, each of which is a collection of data fields and func- tions (called methods) that operate on those fields. The JVM loads a class in response to a request to create instances (or objects) of that class. One of the most novel and useful features of Java is its support for dynamically load- ing untrusted classes over a network and for executing mutually distrusting classes within the same JVM.

Because of these capabilities, protection is a paramount concern. Classes running in the same JVMmay be from different sources andmay not be equally trusted. As a result, enforcing protection at the granularity of the JVM process is insufficient. Intuitively, whether a request to open a file should be allowed will generally depend on which class has requested the open. The operating system lacks this knowledge.

Thus, such protection decisions are handled within the JVM. When the JVM loads a class, it assigns the class to a protection domain that gives the per- missions of that class. The protection domain to which the class is assigned depends on the URL fromwhich the classwas loaded and any digital signatures on the class file. (Digital signatures are covered in Section A config- urable policy file determines the permissions granted to the domain (and its classes). For example, classes loaded from a trusted server might be placed in a protection domain that allows them to access files in the user’s home direc- tory, whereas classes loaded from an untrusted servermight have no file access permissions at all.

It can be complicated for the JVM to determine what class is responsible for a request to access a protected resource. Accesses are often performed indirectly, through system libraries or other classes. For example, consider a class that is not allowed to open network connections. It could call a system library to request the load of the contents of a URL. The JVM must decide whether or not to open a network connection for this request. But which class should be used to determine if the connection should be allowed, the application or the system library?

The philosophy adopted in Java is to require the library class to explicitly permit a network connection. More generally, in order to access a protected resource, somemethod in the calling sequence that resulted in the requestmust explicitly assert the privilege to access the resource. By doing so, this method takes responsibility for the request. Presumably, it will also performwhatever checks are necessary to ensure the safety of the request. Of course, not every method is allowed to assert a privilege; a method can assert a privilege only if its class is in a protection domain that is itself allowed to exercise the privilege.

This implementation approach is called stack inspection. Every thread in the JVM has an associated stack of its ongoing method invocations. When a caller may not be trusted, a method executes an access request within a doPrivileged block to perform the access to a protected resource directly or indirectly. doPrivileged() is a static method in the AccessController class that is passed a class with a run()method to invoke. When the doPrivileged block is entered, the stack frame for this method is annotated to indicate this fact. Then, the contents of the block are executed.When an access to a protected

Alt text
Alt text
Figure 17.14 Stack inspection.

resource is subsequently requested, either by this method or a method it calls, a call to checkPermissions() is used to invoke stack inspection to determine if the request should be allowed. The inspection examines stack frames on the calling thread’s stack, starting from the most recently added frame and working toward the oldest. If a stack frame is first found that has the doPriv- ileged() annotation, then checkPermissions() returns immediately and silently, allowing the access. If a stack frame is first found for which access is disallowed based on the protection domain of the method’s class, then check- Permissions() throws an AccessControlException. If the stack inspection exhausts the stack without finding either type of frame, then whether access is allowed depends on the implementation (some implementations of the JVM may allow access, while other implementations may not).

Stack inspection is illustrated in Figure 17.14. Here, the gui() method of a class in the untrusted applet protection domain performs two operations, first a get() and then an open(). The former is an invocation of the get() method of a class in the URL loader protection domain, which is permitted to open() sessions to sites in the lucent.comdomain, in particular a proxy server for retrieving URLs. For this reason, the untrusted applet’s get() invocation will succeed: the checkPermissions() call in the network- ing library encounters the stack frame of the get()method, which performed its open() in a doPrivileged block. However, the untrusted applet’s open() invocation will result in an exception, because the checkPermissions() call finds no doPrivileged annotation before encountering the stack frame of the gui()method.

Of course, for stack inspection to work, a program must be unable to modify the annotations on its own stack frame or to otherwise manipulate stack inspection. This is one of the most important differences between Java and many other languages (including C++). A Java program cannot directly access memory; it can manipulate only an object for which it has a reference. References cannot be forged, and manipulations are made only through well- defined interfaces. Compliance is enforced through a sophisticated collection of load-time and run-time checks. As a result, an object cannot manipulate its run-time stack, because it cannot get a reference to the stack or other compo- nents of the protection system.

More generally, Java’s load-time and run-time checks enforce type safety of Java classes. Type safety ensures that classes cannot treat integers as pointers, write past the end of an array, or otherwise access memory in arbitrary ways. Rather, a program can access an object only via the methods defined on that object by its class. This is the foundation of Java protection, since it enables a class to effectively encapsulate and protect its data and methods from other classes loaded in the same JVM. For example, a variable can be defined as private so that only the class that contains it can access it or protected so that it can be accessed only by the class that contains it, subclasses of that class, or classes in the same package. Type safety ensures that these restrictions can be enforced.


• System protection features are guided by the principle of need-to-know and implement mechanisms to enforce the principle of least privilege.

• Computer systems contain objects that must be protected from misuse. Objects may be hardware (such as memory, CPU time, and I/O devices) or software (such as files, programs, and semaphores).

• An access right is permission to perform an operation on an object. A domain is a set of access rights. Processes execute in domains and may use any of the access rights in the domain to access and manipulate objects. During its lifetime, a process may be either bound to a protection domain or allowed to switch from one domain to another.

• A common method of securing objects is to provide a series of protection rings, each with more privileges than the last. ARM, for example, provides four protection levels. The most privileged, TrustZone, is callable only from kernel mode.

• The access matrix is a general model of protection that provides a mech- anism for protection without imposing a particular protection policy on the system or its users. The separation of policy and mechanism is an important design property.

• The access matrix is sparse. It is normally implemented either as access lists associated with each object or as capability lists associated with each domain. We can include dynamic protection in the access-matrix model by considering domains and the access matrix itself as objects. Revoca- tion of access rights in a dynamic protection model is typically easier to implement with an access-list scheme than with a capability list.

• Real systems are much more limited than the general model. Older UNIX distributions are representative, providing discretionary access controls of read, write, and execution protection separately for the owner, group, and general public for each file. More modern systems are closer to the general model, or at least provide a variety of protection features to protect the system and its users.

• Solaris 10 and beyond, among other systems, implement the principle of least privilege via role-based access control, a form of access matrix.

Another protection extension ismandatory access control, a formof system policy enforcement.

• Capability-based systems offer finer-grained protection than oldermodels, providing specific abilities to processes by “slicing up” the powers of root into distinct areas. Other methods of improving protection include System Integrity Protection, system-call filtering, sandboxing, and code signing.

• Language-based protection provides finer-grained arbitration of requests and privileges than the operating system is able to provide. For example, a single Java JVM can run several threads, each in a different protection class. It enforces the resource requests through sophisticated stack inspection and via the type safety of the language.

Further Reading

The concept of a capability evolved from Iliffe’s and Jodeit’s codewords, which were implemented in the Rice University computer ([Iliffe and Jodeit (1962)]). The term **capability**was introduced by [Dennis and Horn (1966)].

The principle of separation of policy andmechanismwas advocated by the designer of Hydra ([Levin et al. (1975)]).

The use of minimal operating-system support to enforce protection was advocated by the Exokernel Project ([Ganger et al. (2002)], [Kaashoek et al. (1997)]).

The access-matrix model of protection between domains and objects was developed by [Lampson (1969)] and [Lampson (1971)]. [Popek (1974)] and [Saltzer and Schroeder (1975)] provided excellent surveys on the subject of protection.

The Posix capability standard and the way it was implemented in Linux is described in full papers/gruenbacher/gruenbacher html/main.html

Details on POSIX.1e and its Linux implementation are provided in papers/gr uenbacher/gruenbacher html/main.html.


[Dennis and Horn (1966)] J. B. Dennis andE. C. V.Horn, “Programming Seman- tics for Multiprogrammed Computations”, Communications of the ACM, Volume 9, Number 3 (1966), pages 143–155.

[Ganger et al. (2002)] G. R. Ganger, D. R. Engler, M. F. Kaashoek, H. M. Briceno, R. Hunt, and T. Pinckney, “Fast and Flexible Application-Level Networking on Exokernel Systems”,ACMTransactions onComputer Systems, Volume 20,Number 1 (2002), pages 49–83.

[Iliffe and Jodeit (1962)] J. K. Iliffe and J. G. Jodeit, “ADynamic Storage Alloca- tion System”, Computer Journal, Volume 5, Number 3 (1962), pages 200–209.

[Kaashoek et al. (1997)] M. F. Kaashoek, D. R. Engler, G. R. Ganger, H. M. Briceno, R.Hunt, D.Mazieres, T. Pinckney, R.Grimm, J. Jannotti, andK.Macken- zie, “Application Performance and Flexibility on Exokernel Systems”, Proceed- ings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (1997), pages 52–65.

[Lampson (1969)] B. W. Lampson, “Dynamic Protection Structures”, Proceedings of the AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conference (1969), pages 27–38.

[Lampson (1971)] B. W. Lampson, “Protection”, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Princeton Conference on Information Systems Science (1971), pages 437–443.

[Levin et al. (1975)] R. Levin, E. S. Cohen, W. M. Corwin, F. J. Pollack, and W. A. Wulf, “Policy/Mechanism Separation in Hydra”, Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (1975), pages 132–140.

[Popek (1974)] G. J. Popek, “Protection Structures”, Computer, Volume 7, Num- ber 6 (1974), pages 22–33.

[Saltzer and Schroeder (1975)] J. H. Saltzer and M. D. Schroeder, “The Protec- tion of Information in Computer Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE (1975), pages 1278–1308.


Chapter 17 Exercises

17.11 The access-control matrix can be used to determine whether a process can switch from, say, domain A to domain B and enjoy the access privileges of domain B. Is this approach equivalent to including the access privileges of domain B in those of domain A?

17.12 Consider a computer system in which computer games can be played by students only between 10 P.M. and 6 A.M., by faculty members between 5 P.M. and 8 A.M., and by the computer center staff at all times. Suggest a scheme for implementing this policy efficiently.

17.13 What hardware features does a computer system need for efficient capability manipulation? Can these features be used for memory pro- tection?

17.14 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of implementing an access matrix using access lists that are associated with objects.

17.15 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of implementing an access matrix using capabilities that are associated with domains.

17.16 Explainwhy a capability-based system provides greater flexibility than a ring-protection scheme in enforcing protection policies.

17.17 What is the need-to-know principle? Why is it important for a protec- tion system to adhere to this principle?

17.18 Discuss which of the following systems allow module designers to enforce the need-to-know principle.

a. Ring-protection scheme

b. JVM’s stack-inspection scheme

17.19 Describe how the Java protection model would be compromised if a Java programwere allowed to directly alter the annotations of its stack frame.

17.20 How are the access-matrix facility and the role-based access-control facility similar? How do they differ?

17.21 How does the principle of least privilege aid in the creation of protec- tion systems?

17.22 How can systems that implement the principle of least privilege still have protection failures that lead to security violations?

