
A priority queue is a data structure that allows at least the following two operations: insert, which does the obvious thing, and delete_min, which finds, returns and removes the minimum element in the heap. The insert operation is the equivalent of enqueue, and delete_min is the priority queue equivalent of the queue’s dequeue operation. The delete_min function also alters its input. Current thinking in the software engineering community suggests that this is no longer a good idea. However, we will continue to use this function because of historical reasons–many programmers expect delete_min to operate this way.


Figure 6.1 Basic model of a priority queue

As with most data structures, it is sometimes possible to add other operations, but these are extensions and not part of the basic model depicted in Figure 6.1.

Priority queues have many applications besides operating systems. In Chapter 7, we will see how priority queues are used for external sorting. Priority queues are also important in the implementation of greedy algorithms, which operate by repeatedly finding a minimum; we will see specific examples in Chapters 9 and 10. In this chapter we will see a use of priority queues in discrete event simulation.
